
Tavern master hack
Tavern master hack

tavern master hack

Seeing the one bad patch after another was vary disappointing. That's why when it started to head south it hit me harder, then say another game of a different genre would have. I remember really being exited to about it when I 1st started playing. I always loved 15th century to the 19th period of history, probably more then any other period. POTBS was the answer to allot of my dreams of a cool age of sail / age pirates game for a while. Thing is, when it comes to PvP and RvR, I think I could go on and on about this game, because it really had its moments.

tavern master hack

POTBS had its fair share of "I-win"-combinations when it came to certain ships in certain patch versions, but at the end of the day there was always a way to take them down if you put your heart and soul (and some masochism) into it. In the same manner, you could bring a group of random ships during the sleercspam and come out on top if you knew what you were doing. You could bring a Dauntless to a PuG of refits and really leave a mark if you handled well, and no combination was a given win. I played in Lys-au-Crane, a small society in the french nation on Roberts, and I suppose we were sort of masochists, since we very often went to sea knowing we'd be outgunned.īut this really is the essence of the game for me. This was best shown in all the different configurations you could setup your ship with, not to mention different configurations for different ships. What I did like with the game though was its PvP, and the complexity of it. With fewer new players coming into the game than old players leaving, end result was inevitable empty seas and low attendance at PBs. Since not all players trying a new game will stay, it was just plain stupid allowing sealclubbing, since it increased the amount of new players not staying in the game. Sealclubbing was very common, and in my point of view any MMO need a higher influx of new players than players leaving. What I disliked was mainly how unfriendly the game was to newcomers. I did hang on for a long time after that, focusing on plain PvP, but what really gave the game its edge for me was RvR. The game died for me basically when RvR died. Economy proved a disappointment though, so instead I ended up doing RvR. After playing some general pirate games, I ended up in POTBS, and being a SOE game, I expected economy to be somewhat like SWG. My first MMO was SWG, where I had a decent industry creating spaceships and components. Its ok there is Naval Action being built and there is allot of new games out and being worked on. Or even a POTBS 2 lol None of it ever happened. I really wanted to see it be brought up to date graghics wise, AVCOM boarding to be fixed so it could be fun for everyone not just people who knew how exploit a broken system and new some content.


But I think the chance for them to really fix or update POTBS came and went. But then as it turns out they seem to be steering toward a pay to win format now.ugg. There was a new optimism for a while, with the new owners (which were the same people running it with SONY).for a while. Interesting people from all over the place. There was a great international community as well. So there was almost a kind of economy comp and warfare too. I really enjoyed that any thing ship wise, ammo, consumables, outfitting and the ships them selves, were created by players. One of the things they did really well too, was the player ran economy.

tavern master hack

Balance was never going to get fixed anyways. That's what 80 to 90 % of the forums chatter was about. The reason for the QQ, was the high cost of losing was high and hurt egos. I always said you think the other class is OPed, then make an alt. It really didn't help anything, they really lost me after a while with all of that. But it was still fun! I think the biggest error they made was messing with balance every patch, instead of really working to improve the game and adding content. I remember being chased by pirates, it was more of thrill then other games I played. I had allot of fun lol When I 1st started playing the red zones had no rules, seal clubbing was rapid. Area chat smack talking was epic lol Even on the forums, there was a great deal of crap talking. It also was a game that worked of peoples egos.

tavern master hack

I think the pvp had a really got people going because of the cost of losing.

Tavern master hack